Analytical Standards, Incorporated

PT NOW Performance Audit

asi now offers a quick response program.  Suppose you need your certification by next week.  Maybe you transposed the numbers on your last PT samples.  Maybe you just need to show a new client that you are proficient for a series of parameters in a hurry.  Let's face it, sometimes there are circumstances where timing is everything.  These are the situations where the PT NOW quick response PT standards are perfect.  The 2001 NELAC standards now allow for quick response PT samples at the discretion of each state.  You order all the samples that you need.  They will be shipped to you the same day you place the order, using overnight delivery to arrive the next day.  Analyze the standards and fax or email them back to asi.  Within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving your data, your report will be faxed to you and to any state certification agency you specify.

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Copyright © 1997 Analytical Standards, Inc.
Last modified: September 30, 2003